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GCSE and A Level Business resources

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A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.




A shop aimed at providing student focussed revision resources and engaging lesson materials.
Analysing Operational Performance

Analysing Operational Performance

A revision resource for the new AQA Business specification. This guide looks specifically at the topics of capacity; capacity utilisation; spare capacity; unit costs; labour productivity and links between capacity and other operational targets.
AQA Business - Understanding Management, Leadership and Decision Making

AQA Business - Understanding Management, Leadership and Decision Making

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of understanding management, leadership and decision making . It examines the role of managers within a business and identifies differences between managers and leaders. It examines different leadership styles and includes theories by Henri Fayol, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, the Blake Mouton Grid and the Tannenbaum-Schmidt continuum. Specific leadership styles include autocratic, paternalistic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire and it concludes by evaluating whether there is a single best style and the influences acting upon leadership . Each pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Improving Quality

AQA Business - Improving Quality

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of increasing efficiency and productivity. The presentation considers importance of quality before examining different methods of improving quality including the use of quality assurance, quality control, teamworking, and total quality management. The benefits and difficulties of improving quality are analysed and it concludes with an evaluation of the consequences of poor quality for a business. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - The Competitive Environment

AQA Business - The Competitive Environment

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of the competitive environment and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the impact of Porter’s Five Forces Model, how and why these factors might change, and the implications of these forces for strategic and functional decision making and profits. It specifically examines the different elements of Porter’s Five Forces model, including an understanding of entry threat (barriers to entry), buyer power, supplier power, rivalry and substitute threat. It then considers how the five forces shape competitive strategy and concludes with a critical examination of the model itself. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Managing Change

AQA Business - Managing Change

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of managing organisational culture by businesses and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers some of the different types of change encountered by a firm (internal, external, incremental and disruptive), Lewin’s force field analysis model, the value of change for a business, the benefits of operating as a flexible organisation (including restructuring, delayering, flexible employment contracts, organic structures v mechanistic and knowledge and information management), barriers to managing change and how to overcome barriers to change (Kotter and Schlesinger’s models). The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Strategic Analysis: SWOT, Porter's Five Forces and The Ansoff Matrix

Strategic Analysis: SWOT, Porter's Five Forces and The Ansoff Matrix

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Two topic of strategic analysis with a focus upon corporate plans, SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Model and the Ansoff Matrix. They explain the relationship between objectives and strategy and assess corporate strategy, strategic direction, divisional and functional strategies. They then assess the relationship between strategy and tactics before explain the purpose of corporate plans. There follows an assessment of SWOT analysis and it is applied to Cadbury, before there is analysis of Porter’s Five Forces Model. Finally the material examines the nature and purpose of the Ansoff Matrix and evaluates its usefulness to a business. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (all with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.
AQA Business - Sources of Finance

AQA Business - Sources of Finance

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of making financial decisions with a specific focus upon sources of finance. It considers some of the main types of internal and external sources of finance available to a business. These include debt factoring, share capital, venture capital, crowdfunding, hire purchase, working capital, sale of assets, trade credit, overdrafts, bank loans, government finance and commercial mortgages. The presentation examines each source of finance and analyses both their specific benefits and drawbacks. It also looks at which source of finance is the most appropriate for a firm, and considers the legal structure of the firm, the intended purpose of the finance and the levels of risk that a firm’s management are prepared to accept. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Balance Sheets

AQA Business - Balance Sheets

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of balance sheets and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the basic purpose of a balance sheet before examining how the statement is structured and how stakeholders are interested in this key financial account. It then examines the concepts of different types of asset and liability and considers the key concepts of liquidity, depreciation and working capital. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a practice calculation question, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Assessing Internationalisation

AQA Business - Assessing Internationalisation

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of assessing internationalisation and has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the AQA specification. The presentation considers the basic purpose of international trade. It then examines the various strategies that firms can use to access foreign markets before assessing the impact of multinational corporations upon global markets and examines the use of Bartlett & Ghosal’s international strategy matrix. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a practice calculation question, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Training and Appraisal

Training and Appraisal

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification (but are suitable for all boards). These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component One topic of training and appraisal. They explain the role of training in developing appropriate skills and the different methods of training including induction, on-the-job, off-the-job and apprenticeships. They then evaluate the importance and impact of training for a business and proceed to then explain the different methods of appraisal. These include a superior’s assessment, peer assessment, self-assessment and 360 degree feedback. It explains how appraisals can benefit both the business and the employee before evaluating its overall impact. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with solutions). The pack also contains a free set of student revision notes.
Managing Inventory and Supply Chains

Managing Inventory and Supply Chains

The latest installment in the new AQA Business specification revision sheets. This sheet considers the importance of supply chain management with a focus upon inventory control charts, buffer stocks, re-order levels and re-order quantities. It also considers the value of supply chain management; the influences in choice of suppliers; mass customisation and the need to match supply with demand.
Improving Organisational Design and Human Resource Flow

Improving Organisational Design and Human Resource Flow

Another in the modified revision sheets aimed at supporting the study of A Level Business and specifically the AQA specification. This comprehensive series of notes focuses upon the concepts of human resource planning and organisational design. It specifically examines job design; job enlargement; job rotation; job enrichment; empowerment; Hackman and Oldham’s job characteristics theory; influences upon job design; hierarchial structures; spans of control; delegation; authority; centralisation and decentralisation; influences on organisational structures; workforce planning; training; recruitment and selection; redeployment and finally redundancy.
Improving Employer-Employee Relations

Improving Employer-Employee Relations

The final updated revision sheet for the AS Level AQA Business specification. This sheet focuses upon the benefits and potential problems of employer-employee relations. Specifically it considers ways of managing communication; barriers to effective communication; technology and communication; the benefits of effective communication with employees; forms of employee representation; trade unions; ACAS; industrial action and disputes; ways of resolving industrial disputes; works councils and employee groups.
AQA Business - Analysing Operational Performance

AQA Business - Analysing Operational Performance

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of analysing operational performance. The presentation considers the interpretation and calculation of operations data. It specifically examines the calculation and meaning of labour productivity, unit costs (average costs), capacity and capacity utilisation. The presentation concludes with an assessment of how data is used in operational decision making and planning. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, several practice calculations, a short objective test and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
AQA Business - Improving Cash Flow and Profits

AQA Business - Improving Cash Flow and Profits

A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of making financial decisions with a specific focus upon improving cash flow and profits. It considers some of the main methods of improving cash flow, profits and profitability. It then concludes with a look at the main difficulties facing firms in the improvement of their cash flow and profit levels. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.
Understanding that Businesses Operate Within an External Environment

Understanding that Businesses Operate Within an External Environment

NEW AQA 2015 Business Specification This revision sheet considers the impact of the external environment upon a business. It looks at some of the key elements of PESTLE and then examines in more depth the concepts of competition, income, economic conditions, interest rates, exchange rates, demographics and finally environmental issues and fair trade.
Setting Human Resource Objectives

Setting Human Resource Objectives

Another updated revision sheet designed to reflect the new AQA Business specification. This sheet focuses upon the establishment of human resource objectives and examines: the value of setting HR objectives; different types of HR objectives (including employee engagement and involvement, diversity, training, alignment of values, talent development and labour productivity); the internal and external influences acting upon HR objectives and finishing with a brief synopsis of soft and hard HRM.
Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but this material is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Two topic of cost benefit analysis (CBA) and the introduction of new technology into a business. They explain the nature and purpose of cost benefit analysis (CBA), commenting on the benefits and limitations of the technique. They then show how to carry out a cost benefit analysis, and how to interpret and evaluate the results. Finally the presentation explains the key role played by information technology in business decision-making. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions, an exam style calculation question with solution and also a practice essay (with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.
Business Growth

Business Growth

The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Two topic of the business growth. A colourful, detailed and accessible resource that is tailored to meeting the academic demands of most A Level specifications. They consider the key differences between a strategy of organic versus external (inorganic) growth. In doing so they focus upon vertical, horizontal integration and conglomerate integration and look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The notes also look at the strategies of rationalisation, outsourcing and franchising. They evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and the overall risks associated with business growth and the impact on a variety of stakeholders. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions, practice calculation questions and also a practice essay (all with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.


The latest in the new series of PowerPoint resources aimed at assisting teachers with the delivery of the WJEC/Eduqas A-level Business specification but is suitable for all boards. These slides and hand out are designed to support the delivery of the Component Three topic of globalisation. A colourful, detailed and accessible resource that is tailored to meeting the academic demands of most A Level specifications. They consider nature of globalisation and global markets, and look at their impact upon developing/emerging economies. The presentation then considers market deregulation, the internet, improved communications and cheaper transportation as contributing reasons for the rise of globalisation during the past few decades. It then considers the role of the WTO and examines global branding, how firms target new markets and the impact of glocalisation, before evaluating the overall effects of globalisation upon the UK economy and businesses. It finally considers the reasons for the development of MNCs and the benefits and drawbacks of multinational corporations for host nations. The slides contain the Quick Fire Five questions and also a practice essay (both with suggested solutions). In addition to the main PowerPoint a PDF copy of the notes has been provided to assist with pupil hand outs.